Know your audience when writing

Help! What Do I Write About On My Blog?

Just the other day, one of our clients asked a great question: “What’s a blog for?”

A blog is a special web page that’s a regular way to share current news and events. You can think of it as an on-going magazine or newsletter. Your blog lists articles in order of publication date. Ideally, you should add content two to four times per month, but you can write more often than that if you have more news.

Business-to-Business Blogs

Blogs are great place to share industry news. If you run a B2B (business-to-business) company such as a consultancy, you can write about:

  • important legislation affecting your industry
  • new methodologies
  • interesting conferences
  • talks or classes you are giving
  • educational articles (like this one)

Retail Blogs

If you own a retail business such as a restaurant or store, blogs are great places to announce things like:

  • drink specials
  • contests, giveaways
  • new menu items
  • special events
  • art openings
  • changes in hours
  • holiday events
  • music events

Personal Blogs

It’s always nice to have a personal note from the business and/or staff now and then. These blog posts can cover a wide variety of topics including:

  • insights from trips and conferences
  • major changes in policies affecting customers
  • moving to a new location
  • customer appreciation
  • staff opinions on a specific topic

Got Writer’s Block? You’re not a Writer?

Give us a call at AS Designs & Services, and let’s brainstorm some ideas with you. Together we can create a list of monthly topics that will entice and inform your readers.

You don’t have to write the blog post yourself. In fact, if we write for you, we will create content that is attractive to the search engines as well as your readers.

Just give us a list of topics, any information you have about these topics, and photos and videos. We’re here to help you make the most of your blog.

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