
4 Questions to Help Choose a Credit Card Processor

Many of our clients are using some type of eCommerce software solution.  These sites are usually selling merchandise of some sort, be it jewelry, clothing, or vitamin supplements.  Because of this, we have to help our clients find the right merchant services and payment gateway provider.  The 2 most popular choices are PayPal (An All-In-One Solution) and (A Payment Gateway Processor) for online credit card processing.

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10 New Year’s Resolutions to Better Your Business

We have put together 10 New Year’s Resolutions that companies SHOULD make to better their digital presence.  Much has been said recently about a company’s digital presence and we like to say that a company’s digital presence is like an employee that never sleeps!  Here is a list of ten things we suggest to our clients to help them better there digital presence both online and offline for the New Year!

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