social media strategies

Effective Social Media Strategies

A report  done by Gigya, says that in the second quarter (April to June) Google+ only has about 2% of the Social Media sharing market, which is a small but substantial increase from the previous quarter, while Facebook is still the number one source of logins and shares.

We like to give our clients the best of both worlds, or in this case, the best of four worlds, and it looks like we’ve got the right idea.

In the office, we use all social media platforms to help not only market our clients, but ourselves. We use our Google+ Hangout to have meetings with each other and clients, our Twitter to present our blogs and short snippets of information, our Facebook for awesome pictures or articles we like, and of course Pinetrest for a little bit of everything.

Your marketing plan should involve one if not ALL of these social media platforms. If done correctly, you too can have great success with each …

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