automatic twitter dog feeder

Feed Your Dog or Your Employees with Twitter

As a company that does social media marketing for several businesses we are not new to Twitter. However, some of the  things you can actually do with Twitter has thrown us for a loop! For instance, did you know you can use your Twitter account to feed your dog while away at work or out and about? You can also send someone a $5 Starbucks gift card using Twitter, which we think is why Matthew is so adamant about using the platform!

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Google+ Brings a Whole New Meaning to “You Wanna Hangout?”

Google+ has now surpassed Twitter as the world’s 2nd largest social media networking site.  Part of what makes them such a great site is Google+ Hangouts, where users can meet up and chat about a specific topic or just “hangout.”  Since Hangouts are essentially web-based video and text conference rooms, it is no longer necessary to fly in business members from around the world for meetings, nor do you have to exclude your international friends from a group discussion.  Plus it’s FREE!  Thanks Google+!

You can even save your Hangout sessions and have it set-up to auto-post them to YouTube afterwards.  This is helpful to people who aren’t able to make it, or, as is our case, in such a different time zone that in order to make it you have to wake up 2-3 hours early than you normally would.

Another interesting aspect of Google+’s Hangouts is what some companies have been using them for.  For instance The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is having Q & …

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Workshop: Intro to Social Media Marketing Video

You asked for it, and here it is…the video of the Introduction to Social Media workshop that we offered at the end of April 2013. Presented by

educator and marketer, Cymber Quinn social media expert, Taryn Fowler ASDS pooh-bah, Ian Hatch.

This video covers the entire marketing cycle and how Social Media fits into the big marketing mix. We briefly touch on the differences between Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and more.

Best of all, you’ll learn how a surfing Easter Bunny got 19,000 likes.

We welcome your questions and comments here on our Web Development BlogFacebookGoogle+ or Twitter pages, and look forward to seeing you at our next class soon.

Mahalo to all participants for making this a fun class.

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Workshop: Intro to Social Media Marketing, April 30 2013

Please join us for a 90-minute introduction to the world of social media as it relates to business and internet marketing.

We’ll introduce you to

Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Pinterest Instagram Yelp and more How these outlets integrate and relate to “The Big Picture”

Where AS Designs & Services offices 308 Kamehameha Ave., Suite 115  |  Map

When April 30, 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Who Anyone who wants to learn the basics of social media for business and internet marketing.

Cost: Free

Your Instructors: Cymber Lily Quinn, Ian Hatch, Taryn Wong Fowler – AS Designs & Services

To register for this class, please go to our Workshop Registration Page >>

* NOTE:  We will be broadcasting this workshop LIVE to the web.  You can watch and/or participate from your computer if you are unable to come in person. Please register for more instructions. Workshop Registration >>

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