Sometimes we can get caught up the craziness of the day to day grind, but we do not ever forget how fortunate we are to be able to work with so many great clients, and also to be a part of some fun projects.
4 Questions to Help Choose a Credit Card Processor
Many of our clients are using some type of eCommerce software solution. These sites are usually selling merchandise of some sort, be it jewelry, clothing, or vitamin supplements. Because of this, we have to help our clients find the right merchant services and payment gateway provider. The 2 most popular choices are PayPal (An All-In-One Solution) and (A Payment Gateway Processor) for online credit card processing.
10 New Year’s Resolutions to Better Your Business
We have put together 10 New Year’s Resolutions that companies SHOULD make to better their digital presence. Much has been said recently about a company’s digital presence and we like to say that a company’s digital presence is like an employee that never sleeps! Here is a list of ten things we suggest to our clients to help them better there digital presence both online and offline for the New Year!
7 Findings to Help Benchmark Your Marketing Budget
The following is a summarized version of an article by Gartner about digital marketing budgets and spending in the United States, titled, “Key Findings from U.S. Digital Marketing Spending Survey, 2013“
Technology Linking Service Men and Women with Families!
Today is Vetetran’s Day in the United States, and many of the current members of the armed services are away from their families for the holiday, in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kuwait. Because of the holiday, people are reminded of what their families have done and are doing for them.
Have You Seen This Button Before?
It’s a “On Hover Pin It” button from Pinterest. Pinterest saw a need and created the button after noticing companies using custom Pinterest buttons. This new button is the same as those, but is only visible when you hover over the picture.
Teens Now Able to Share Photos/Videos to the Public on Facebook
Recently, Facebook lifted the restrictions on teen users who share infromation (pictures, statuses, and videos) with the public.
Originally, anyone under 18 was limited on what they could or couldn’t share with the public.
Facebook’s Face Book
Self-proclaimed “creative technologist” Natalia Rojas put together a cool website application called “The Faces of Facebook” that maps out every single person who joined Facebook, by when they joined. At 1,278,842,363 (and counting) people so far, you can see where you joined and compare it to your friends by connecting to your Facebook account.
Winner! Website: Navigation – IMPACT13 Conference
This past weekend, the Internet Marketing Association (IMA) held its IMPACT13 Conference and Awards event in Las Vegas, Nevada. We were chosen as a winner in the Website : Navigation category based on our ease of use. We’d like to thank the IMA for honoring us with this award.
TechCon Kona 2.0
We’ll be setting up shop at the TechCon Kona 2.0 at the NELHA Gateway Center in Kailua-Kona.
We are looking forward to having an exhibitor booth at the event to help showcase what we do here at AS Designs & Services.